Ajai Shukla

All stories by Ajai Shukla

Parrikar could have been a great defence minister but...

Parrikar could have been a great defence minister but...

Rediff.com21 Mar 2017

'A month after assuming charge, Parrikar promised a policy within six months to "end or at least reduce" terrorist infiltration across the Line of Control.' 'However, infiltration continued apace, leading to high-profile terrorist attacks in Gurdaspur, Pathankot, and Uri.' 'During this phase, he made the controversial suggestion that India should fight terror with terror, hinting at supporting terror groups to strike in Pakistan,' observes Ajai Shukla.

India on the sidelines as the big boys spend

India on the sidelines as the big boys spend

Rediff.com15 Mar 2017

As the United States and China joust for supremacy, India might remain on the sidelines with its limited resources.

INS Vishal, Vikrant's successor, will have serious US tech

INS Vishal, Vikrant's successor, will have serious US tech

Rediff.com14 Mar 2017

Beyond the British and Russian strands interwoven into the Indian Navy's equipment profile and the strong drive towards indigenisation evident today, its future in aircraft carriers appears increasingly linked with America.

Pak targets Lashkar, Jaish with 'intelligence-based ops'

Pak targets Lashkar, Jaish with 'intelligence-based ops'

Rediff.com23 Feb 2017

Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad launched to fight terrorism across country.

Why civilians confront the army in Kashmir

Why civilians confront the army in Kashmir

Rediff.com20 Feb 2017

The UPA's failure to reach out to Kashmiris and the NDA's 'anti-Muslim' stance has fuelled anger in the Kashmir valley.

Revealed: Why the navy seeks 57 fighter aircraft

Revealed: Why the navy seeks 57 fighter aircraft

Rediff.com6 Feb 2017

>The Indian Navy wants 'day and night capable, all weather multi-role deck based combat aircraft which can be used for air defence, air-to-surface operations, buddy refuelling, reconnaissance, electronic warfare missions' from its aircraft carriers.

Will Saeed's arrest keep Pakistan off Trump's no-entry list?

Will Saeed's arrest keep Pakistan off Trump's no-entry list?

Rediff.com1 Feb 2017

This is the first time the Pakistan army has publicly backed the arrest of India-focused jihadis.

Retain Obama's policy towards India: Tellis urges Trump

Retain Obama's policy towards India: Tellis urges Trump

Rediff.com21 Jan 2017

Possible US envoy says India must get assurance against China.

Pak army chief prepares to turn on LeT, Jaish

Pak army chief prepares to turn on LeT, Jaish

Rediff.com18 Jan 2017

Pakistan's new Army Chief has begun setting the stage to act against groups like LeT and JeM

Why General Rawat alerted the world to Cold Start

Why General Rawat alerted the world to Cold Start

Rediff.com14 Jan 2017

'It is ironic that General Rawat, an infantry officer who the government chose because of his expertise in counter-insurgency, has made his first bold statement in the realm of warfighting and mechanised operations,' points out Colonel Ajai Shukla (retd).

With a shrinking fleet IAF has tough choices ahead

With a shrinking fleet IAF has tough choices ahead

Rediff.com12 Jan 2017

The IAF has just 33 squadrons, 9 short of the 42 squadrons needed to tackle China and Pakistan together, says Ajai Shukla.

Where is the go-getter Parrikar?

Where is the go-getter Parrikar?

Rediff.com11 Jan 2017

Instead of ramming through change, Mr Parrikar has tied his own hands by placing reform at the mercy of numerous committees, says Ajai Shukla.

General Bakshi not to resign, may be elevated to new job

General Bakshi not to resign, may be elevated to new job

Rediff.com1 Jan 2017

General Bakshi is understood to have been assured by Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar that the process was under way to appoint him as India's first tri-service commander, a post that would, at least nominally, place him senior to General Rawat.

A lighter Agni-5 could be world's most cost-effective ICBM

A lighter Agni-5 could be world's most cost-effective ICBM

Rediff.com30 Dec 2016

Even without a sanctioned government project for the Agni-6, it seems inevitable that the Agni-5, over the next few years, will organically evolve into an ICBM with improved technologies and capabilities.

Choosing an army chief: The perils of choice

Choosing an army chief: The perils of choice

Rediff.com28 Dec 2016

With ambitious generals knowing that political patronage might be rewarded, a worrying era of politicisation of the military looms ahead, observes retired Colonel Ajai Shukla who has known Generals Rawat, Bakshi and Hariz for a long time.

Agni-5 can deliver a nuclear bomb anywhere in China

Agni-5 can deliver a nuclear bomb anywhere in China

Rediff.com27 Dec 2016

China's and India's nuclear doctrines mandate 'No First Use' of nuclear weapons, so use against each other seems unlikely.

A brand new Agni missile Pakistan should be wary of

A brand new Agni missile Pakistan should be wary of

Rediff.com19 Dec 2016

Powering the Agni-1P will be the cutting-edge technologies developed for the Agni-4 and Agni-5 missiles.

Will Gen Rawat be a better chief than Gens Bakshi and Hariz?

Will Gen Rawat be a better chief than Gens Bakshi and Hariz?

Rediff.com19 Dec 2016

Over the past two decades, six of the eight army chiefs have been from the infantry and the other two from the artillery division. The appointment of either General Bakshi or General Hariz would interrupt the infantry's prolonged domination of the army command, says Ajai Shukla, a retired army officer himself.

Artillery-starved Indian Army gets big boost

Artillery-starved Indian Army gets big boost

Rediff.com15 Dec 2016

In a major milestone, India successfully tests new advanced towed artillery gun system.

India-US defence ties secure under Trump

India-US defence ties secure under Trump

Rediff.com13 Dec 2016

When Obama signs the NDAA 2017 into law this week, the US-India partnership will be enshrined in US legislation, binding every succeeding administration, whatever its inclinations, to treat India as a 'major defence partner,' says Ajai Shukla.

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